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“Stop.” Belmonte held a hand up to the vaquero while one of his guards caught Mercedes and set her upright again. “This is MY cantina, and what I say goes. And what I say is that you have to ‘pay to play.’ But, hijole, you don’t have the pesos.”
Belmonte rubbed his thick fingers together, indicating that Mercedes was far above the man’s pocket.
“How much for the Malinche?”
Belmonte paced the floor, stroking his chin as if in deep thought. She had seen this act before. In fact, it was the same tactic he used to purchase her from her own father. A cat and mouse game of take and release.
He would sell her if the price was right.
“One thousand pesos.”
-Excerpt from Twice Redeemed, Book Two in The Jericho Resistance series
Now let’s get to know Mimi Milan, author of the Jericho Resistance series:
Where do you get your ideas?
This right here is why I believe in God. I mean, there is NO way a person can come up with so many stories on their own. Then to write them down? Yeah, that’s what I call a God gift. Some people are musical. Others are mathematical geniuses. God gives everyone something special. Mine is the gift of story, and I’m so thankful He chose to give me that one.
Where do you write?
Okay. This made me think that maybe I should go see my doctor to see if I’m ADD. Ever since I gave up writing in coffee shops (too many people want to talk to you when you should be writing), I can’t seem to write in one place. Sometimes I’m at my desk. Other times, you might find me at the kitchen table. I’ve even been known (on many occasions) to write while sweeping the floors. In fact, that’s how I usually brainstorm. I know. I’m weird.
Are you traditionally published, indie published, or a hybrid author?
I had the opportunity to go the traditional route, but chose to Indie pub for three main reasons. First, it’s my story. Therefore, I’m not inclined to hand over any rights (especially digital rights, which more and more companies are wanting to keep for practically forever). Second, I was raised in the era of punk rock. So I have a bit of a rebellious streak in the sense that no one is going to tell me what to write. Third, I like being one of the “cool kids” who are setting the bar in the publishing world.
How important is social media to you, and what sites do you use?
Is there a Facebook heaven? If so, that’s where you’ll find me.
How do you measure your success as a writer?
Reader reviews. Seriously. A reader writes a stellar review about my book, then I’m on cloud nine. More so if they choose to connect with me online. However, if a reader writes a harsh review, then I take it to heart. I think about how I can make the next story even better (after I’ve picked up the pieces of my broken heart and stapled them back together).
What are your hobbies (other than writing)?
Film. Along with creative writing, I studied film in college. I like everything from watching to making my own movies.
Where can readers find your books?
Right now, they’re only on Amazon. Come this August, they should be available everywhere books are sold.
Mimi Milan spent two decades scribbling away in notebooks before realizing that her life’s calling was to write. So she returned from Mexico and attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Film. She currently resides in the suburbs of Charlotte, making time for God, family, and imaginary friends. She begins grad school this May as the first female at Queens University to be accepted into multiple tracks of the creative writing program.
Where to find Mimi:
Where to find Mimi’s books:
- A REBEL IN JERICHO by Mimi Milan. Book 1 Jericho Resistance series. $2.99 for Kindle
- TWICE REDEEMED by Mimi Milan. Book 2 Jericho Resistance series. $3.99 for Kindle
Don’t forget to sign up for Mimi’s newsletter to enter her giveaway for a FREE signed print or audio copy of A REBEL IN JERICHO. You can sign up and enter by emailing her at writemimimilan(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com, or visiting her website at www.mimimilan.com.
I can hardly wait for the book to come out…I just loved the first one, it kept me wanting more!
That’s the best thing for an author to hear from a reader!