Is there hope for a the chronically disorganized? In “Sidetracked Home Executives”, sisters Pam Young and Peggy Jones offer up a system that is promisingly effective.
The system is simple. They outline a basic method of writing out chores onto index cards (one task per card), and placing them in a card file according to what day that task is to be accomplished. “How old fashioned”, you might say. Yes, but the book was originally published in 1977, so it’s not as old school as you might think. The latest edition has a segment on utilizing the computer to achieve the same results.
Personally, I love the old fashioned card file system. It has worked for me in various sales jobs and writing projects, so I’m willing to give it a try for home organization.
The secret for any organizational system, and I’ve tried more than a few, is obvious: it won’t work if you don’t. That’s right. Just reading the book won’t do you any good unless you’re willing to put forth some effort.
I highly recommend this book. It’s a fun read, and the sisters are wonderfully funny and candid. It was very quick to read, and doesn’t require a huge investment of time or money to implement. It’s not one of those systems that requires you to purchase all the fancy tools and gadgets to make the system work. Thank goodness. I personally need to simplify my life, not complicate it further.
Let me tell you, I need this book. I’m going to begin implementing this system myself, and I’ll let you know how it works. Please pray for me, because when it comes to keeping my house clean and organized, I need all the help I can get.
“Sidetracked Home Executives” is available in paperback at:
Visit the Slob Sisters’ website at:
Lesley, you are a life saver. This is just what I need with school, sports, new job all starting up. I’m so glad you found this book and shared it with all of us!
I’m so glad you liked it, Carolyn. We’ll have to cheer each other on!