Behind every serious writer is a loyal pet.
Okay, that might not always be true, but most writers like to keep someone handy to talk to so we don’t have to look like we’re talking to ourselves. Cats and dogs make a great audience, but a hamster, parakeet, or goldfish will do just as well.
This is my new partner in writing. His name is Noah Bartholomew McDaniel, aka “the best Mother’s Day gift ever”. He loves to sleep in my lap while I write. The price I pay is the inevitable burst of energy that follows. From him, not from me. In defiance of my very clear and ongoing reprimands, he loves to dart across my keyboard. I realize now that he’s making a sincere effort to improve my writing, and I have to respect his efforts. Plus, now I have a reasonable excuse for any errors I might overlook.
Any misspellings, odd wording, opinions with which you disagree, let’s just blame it on Noah.
Writers, do you have a pet who inspires you and keeps you company?
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