As far as menu options go with the Whole30 program, the possibilities feel pretty wide. But considering all the foods the program doesn’t allow, our choices are limited…in a good way.
We’ve made it all the way to Day 10 of the Whole30 program, and I have to say it’s been a lot easier than I expected it to be. I give most of the credit for that to my two spectacular daughters, who have done the menu planning, shopping-list making, and much of the cooking. Thanks, girls ♥
One of the things I’ve realized is that I’ve enjoyed having my food options limited. In my old way of thinking, I could grab whatever was in the fridge, or handy at a drive-thru, and call it “dinner.” Or justify grazing the snack table at work in lieu of making an effort to pack a balanced meal for myself. Now that I have to provide myself with something that’s program-compliant, I really feel like I’m taking care of myself.
So, having my options narrowed down to just the healthy ones is a big Whole30 plus.
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