What does it feel like to eat nothing but whole, real food?
To me, one of the best things about the Whole30 plan is that it eliminates the majority of food additives from your life. I know, the food industry would have us believe that nothing they add to our food is unsafe. But there was a time when we were told that saccharine and MSG were perfectly safe and even good for us, so take that for what it’s worth.
For my money, I’d rather know that the things my family and I are eating are as close to their original, God-created form as we can get. I feel lighter after 26 days of being free of the unnecessary things that I’m sure my body has no use for. This is a part of the Whole30 plan that I want to incorporate into my WholeLife plan.
Not sure how you feel about food additives? Here’s a great article from Food Matters on the subject:
Top Ten Food Additives to Avoid
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