Who has time to be sick? And on the Whole30 plan, what am I supposed to do about it?
It’s no surprise that I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I’ve been working in a room full of so much coughing and sniffling, it might as well be a daycare. But since I can’t rely on my go-to remedy (Emergen-Cee), what should I do?
I found a recipe involving apple cider vinegar, lemon, cayenne, honey and hot water. I had to leave out the non-program-compliant honey, which made the vinegar pretty hard to stomach. For now, I’m sticking to lots of hot water with lemon and as much cayenne as I can handle, which is a lot (see my post about Tabasco). That and a day of rest (and writing) will, God-willing, kick this cold to the curb.
I found a post written by someone who was willing to get out and do a whole lot more cold remedy research than I am. Check it out here: Root and Branch Nutrition.
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